Premature Baby Delivered by Unlikely Team
In healthcare, we all strive to always stand ready to serve. TriStar Hendersonville expects the highest level of service and responsiveness from our team and we recognize those that go above and beyond to take care of our patients. A recent experience at TriStar Hendersonville reminded all of us that teamwork isn’t just a buzzword for people who work together, it’s about a culture where coworkers take a leap of faith and trust one another when responding to the unexpected.
On that night, Leslie McClendon of Women’s Services was not originally scheduled to work, but switched shifts with one of her coworkers. Leslie had recently returned to TriStar Hendersonville after a month of NICU training at TriStar Centennial to prepare her skills for the opening of The Birth Center. Brent Harmon from Respiratory Therapy also clocked in for his night shift.
Teamwork and Training
Leslie and Brent got the call to immediately go to the parking lot outside of the ER. An expectant mother was in the car, on her way to the hospital, when she went into labor with a severely premature baby. Leslie was calm and competent, delivering the baby before an obstetrician or pediatrician could arrive.
“Teamwork isn’t just a buzzword for people who work together – it’s about culture.”
“I know without a doubt that God used Leslie and her new skills that day,” said Stephanie Elsten, NICU and Nursery Manager. “I am so proud to work with her.”
Life-Saving Skills
Brent had never experienced intubating a preterm baby. Leslie walked Brent through the steps of resuscitating the baby and together, they were able to intubate the baby on the first attempt. Leslie and Brent took care of the mother and infant until the NICU transport team arrived to take the newborn to The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial to receive the highest level of NICU care.
“Brent is a phenomenal teammate and individual. I am always dumbfounded by his work ethic and compassion,” said Johnathan Holland, a registered nurse in the Medical-Surgical department. “There is a notable change that takes place in any department that he walks in to. He is an overwhelmingly uplifting individual.”
Leslie and Brent were nominated multiple times by their teammates and were two of the recipients of TriStar Hendersonville’s 4th Quarter Service Excellence Awards. The need for a neonatal resuscitation can’t be predicted, and both Leslie and Brent upheld to the highest level of responsiveness and teamwork when saving the mother and newborn’s lives.
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