For more information about our diabetes centers & programs, please call TriStar MedLine® at (615) 342-1919 or toll-free (800) 242-5662.

Diabetes and pre-diabetes are serious conditions, but most cases can be managed with careful monitoring of blood glucose levels, medication, a healthy diet and exercise. TriStar Health’s diabetes experts work with you to help you understand the disease, control your symptoms and minimize your risk for complications.

What are the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes, is a chronic disease prohibiting the pancreas’ ability to produce insulin. This vital hormone helps blood cells absorb glucose from sugar in the bloodstream. Without it, blood sugar levels get to high, making you ill. Type 1 diabetes can’t be prevented and currently has no cure.

Type 2 diabetes, also known as adult-onset diabetes, is the most common form of the disease. Unlike type 1 diabetes, people with this condition do make insulin, but their cells are unable to properly use it, leading to insulin resistance. Your pancreas tries to overcompensate for this and produces more insulin to get glucose into the cells, but eventually it can’t keep production up, leading to high blood sugar levels.

Our diabetes specialists will teach you the skills you need to live with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. These skills will empower you to minimize diabetes complications while maximizing the quality of your life.

Diabetes Education & Support

Self-care is vital to controlling diabetes, and our hospitals offer a variety of education and support programs. Individual and group classes help you gain a sense of control over your body and the disease by providing tips and education on a variety of topics, including:

  • Meal planning
  • Exercise goals
  • Medication and insulin pump management
  • Glucose monitoring
  • Foot care
  • Eye care

Exceptional Diabetes Care

In combination with lifestyle coaching, our diabetes experts can prescribe medication to help improve your quality of life. Diabetes medications like insulin are used to lower blood sugar levels when lifestyle changes alone aren't adequate for regulating blood sugar levels. Getting the right dosage and constant evaluation is important to effectively treat diabetes.

If you have any issues with a medication, make sure to report the problem to your doctor.

Diabetes & Other Medical Conditions

Unmanaged diabetes can lead to other serious health complications. Some of these possible risks include:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • /h
  • Vision problems
  • Kidney disease
  • Increased risk of stroke

If you haven’t had a checkup with your doctor recently or need to discuss changes in your health, schedule an appointment online.

Make an Appointment